A comfortable experience for your Holter and Looper test

Discover the latest technology for monitoring your heart rhythm, with continuous tests from 24 hours to 7 days, according to your doctor's prescription.

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Why does the doctor order the test to monitor the heart's rhythm?

The heart can suffer changes in its rhythm when the electrical impulse doesn't work properly. This is known as cardiac arrhythmia, which is a condition that may or may not be accompanied by symptoms. In order to identify arrhythmias, the doctor may order Holter tests, to provide details of your heart rate and rhythm, and/or Looper tests, to identify whether a cardiac event occurs during a symptom the patient is experiencing.2,3

Why does the doctor order the test to monitor the heart's rhythm?

The heart can suffer changes in its rhythm when the electrical impulse doesn't work properly. This is known as cardiac arrhythmia, which is a condition that may or may not be accompanied by symptoms. In order to identify arrhythmias, the doctor may order Holter tests, to provide details of your heart rate and rhythm, and/or Looper tests, to identify whether a cardiac event occurs during a symptom the patient is experiencing.2,3

Watch your rhythm

Cardiac arrhythmias are electrical alterations that cause changes in the rhythm of the heartbeat and can lead to various complications.

In Brazil there are an estimated 20 million people with arrhythmias, but only 2 million cardiac monitoring tests (Holter) are carried out each year.4,5,6

Atrial Fibrillation is one of the main types of arrhythmias.7

Failure to treat atrial fibrillation properly can lead to complications such as stroke.8

Early diagnosis can shorten treatment time


million people will have atrial fibrillation by 2050.9


of atrial fibrillation is asymptomatic at the time of diagnosis.8,10,11


higher risk of stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation.8,10,11

Holter and looper evolution has arrived for your health and well-being.

Water resistant
Digital patient's notes
Quick start

Cardiac monitor (Holter) and event recorder (Looper) in a single device, suitable for body movements, allowing routine activities to be carried out with minimal discomfort.

Want to know where to get tested with QuoreOne?

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References on this page

2 - SOBRAC, Holter can save lives [https://sobrac.org/publicogeral/?p=4012#:~:text=The%20Holter%20%C3%A9%20indicated%20for,appear%20and%20disappear%20without%20warning.];
3- Rajanna R. R., et al, External Cardiac Loop Recorders: Functionalities, Diagnostic Efficacy, Challenges and Opportunities, IEEE RevBiomed Eng. 2022;15:273-292.doi: 10.1109/RBME.2021.3055219. Epub 2022 Jan 20.
4- Oliveira G. M. M., et al, Cardiovascular Statistics - Brazil 2020, Arq. Bras. Cardiol. 115 (3) - Sep 202;
5- ANS [https://www.gov.br/ans/pt-br/acesso-a-informacao/perfil-do-setor/dados-e-indicadores-do-setor]
6- SUS [http://tabnet.datasus.gov.br/cgi/deftohtm.exe?sia/cnv/qauf.def]
7- Mkoko P., et al, Cardiac arrhythmias in low- and middle-income countries, Cardiovascular Diagnosis & Therapy, Vol 10, No 2 (April 21, 2020)
8- SBAVC, Números do AVC no Brasil e no Mundo [https://avc.org.br/sobre-a-sbavc/numeros-do-avc-no-brasil-e-no-mundo/];
9- SOBRAC, CAMPANHA CORAÇÃO NA BATIDA CERTA: BRASIL EM AÇÃO PELA PREVENÇÃO E TRATAMENTO DAS ARRITMIAS CARDÍACAS E MORTESÚBIA, [https://sobrac.org/home/campanha-coracao-na-batida-certa-brasil-em-acao-pela-prevenco-e-tratamento-das-arritmias-cardiacas-emorte-subia/]
10- Lin, H. et al. Newly diagnosed atrial fibrillation and acute stroke. The Framingham Study. Stroke, 1995
11- Benjamin, et al. Heart disease and stroke statistics-2019 update: a report from the American Heart Association. Circulation, 2019.