Today's revolution in heart monitoring

7-day continuous monitoring technology significantly increases arrhythmia detection.

Choose setting, create events and manage continuous tests

Continuous monitoring, from 24 hours up to 7 days

Signal quality checked at setup of each test

Reports produced with support of Artificial Intelligence analysis

Continuous cardiac monitoring for a better arrhythmia diagnostic yield

Study shows that continuous, uninterrupted external ambulatory cardiac rhythm recording, results in higher rates of cardiac arrhythmia detection. ¹

Digital Monitoring -
Features and Benefits

More accurate, more convenient, more accessible cardiovascular diagnoses.

Quoretech App Screens
Quoreone Holter Single

Wearable Device - advantages

Light - flexible - no cables;

Water resistant - patient can take shower during tests of up to 7 days;

No special electrodes;

Visual alert if electrode disconnects - protection against loss of signal;

Internal battery - no need to recharge even during 7-day test.

Digital Monitoring - advantages

Continuous monitoring, of 3 channels, over whole period - from 24 hours to 7 days;

Signal quality checked at start of each test;

Data transmitted by bluetooth;

Patient has a digital journal, improving correlation with events during tests;

Reports assisted by AI analysis.

We have solved the problem of shortfalls in arrhythmia detection rates

QuoreOne's continuous monitoring of up to 7 days means improved diagnostic yield for atrial fibrillation - improved treatments and outcomes. ¹


- the estimated percentage of cases of atrial fibrillation not diagnosed, worldwide. ²


- the estimated increase in arrhythmia diagnoses, compared to 24-hour tests, when 7-day monitoring is used. ³ ⁴


- percentage of patients diagnosed with atrial fibrillation in 7-day monitoring, not previously diagnosed. ⁵


- increase in detection of atrial fibrillation when using ECG screening with wearable device. ⁵

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