More autonomy at the point of care - our customized solution

With QuoreOne the doctor can prescribe continuous tests of up to 7 days, on 3 channels, adapting the duration of heart monitoring to the type of diagnosis the patient needs.

We aim to completely remodel heart monitoring

We expect our QuoreOne product - unique in Brazil with no competitor in cost and operational advantages - to dominate the entire market for heart monitoring in the short term.

We would then proceed to offer advantages to the world's other leading markets - with the quality, efficiency, and the sophisticated AI processing that we have developed.

Here are some figures from the current Brazilian market that we aim to remodel:


- estimated proportion of atrial fibrillation cases not diagnosed. ²

20 million

- the estimated number of people with some kind of arrhythmia. ⁶

2 million

- number of Holter tests performed each year. ⁸ ⁹


- mortality associated with atrial fibrillation in people over 65, in 3 years of follow-up. ⁷

100% wearable - while providing cardiac testing with enhanced practicality and quality

Long duration monitoring

In overall statistics of 7-day tests, diagnosis rates of arrhythmias have run between 1.24 to 2.5 times the rates of diagnosis obtained in 24-hour tests. ³ ¹⁰

Real-time capture and transmission

Heart signal data are captured instantaneously by the bluetooth on the patient's mobile phone.

Analysis by AI

Artificial Intelligence identifies anomalies in the cardiac rhythm, such as atrial fibrillation, not detectable by human eyes.

AI -enabling more efficient diagnoses

Quoretech's AI helps in analysis and grouping of signals, detecting patterns and anomalies in the ECG data.

Quoretech's AI enables vast volumes of data to be analyzed rapidly, identifying patterns and trends indicating arrhythmias.

Quoretech's captures three times more ECG leads than competing single lead devices.

Get a solution adapted to your needs

Short and long duration tests in a single solution

In a single technology, QuoreOne enables cardiac monitoring from short duration of 24 hours up to 7 days, and at the same time offers the patient the ability to record events during the test period.

This means flexibility for the physician in diagnosing patients with different profiles.

Pacemaker users

Post-procedure patients - where there may be heart rhythm alterations


Cryptogenic stroke

A totally innovative experience
in terms of both use and acquisition

No initial investment. With a subscription account for the device, you pay per tests carried out- giving you access to advanced, innovative digital technology with both qualitative and quantitative gains.

Digital Technology

Device not acquired - but always available

Analog technology

Need to purchase

Costs of maintenance

Tests require more than one device

Why buy -
if you can have a subscription and pay per use?

Now there's no need to decapitalize - to have the best short and long duration cardiac test technology in your healthcare facility.

For the monthly subscription you get full support

System set up

Replacement of devices

Technical support

Training in use of the platform

Updating of the technology

Safe data storage

Training in installation

Business consultancy

Choose the most appropriate plan to your need

Customize our service to the dynamics of your healthcare facility, paying only for the tests that you do.



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